Corinthian Mark Lodge 1052 2016 Installation.
27th October 2016
The second Mark Provincial Team Visit of the season saw the team descend on Liverpool Masonic Hall, in Hope Street for the Installation meeting of Corinthian Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No 1052.  This team visit was the first that the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master had attended since his operation and there was a good turnout of acting officers to support him on the night.
After the Worshipful Master Bro David Crowley had opened the lodge, The PGM and provincial team processed in to the lodge.  The PGM was offered the Gavel which he took for a short while and after the salutations the PGM introduced the members of the team.
Once the WM was back in the Chair and the Province Wardens Brothers Alan Foster, Prov G.S.W and Alan Fairhurst, Prov G.J.W had been placed in the respective Wardens chairs, WBro Crowley commenced on the ceremony of Installation.  WBro Peter Guy was installed in fine form by W.Bro Crowley.  It was left to W.Bro Jimmy Konztle, P.Prov.G.Insp.of Wks to give the presentation of the Keystone Jewel to new WM WBro Peter Guy.   The addresses were done by; the IPM WBro Stewart Hyde to the Master; the Prov G.S.W, WBro Alan Foster to the Wardens and WBro Alan Fairhurst Prov.G.J.W. to the Overseers.    After all the officers had been invested it was then the PGM‘s turn to give the address to the Brethren.
At the end of the ceremony Right Worshipful Brother Keith Beardmore congratulated WBro Guy on taking the chair of Corinthian Mark Lodge and he also gave his congratulations to WBro David Crowley on his fine ceremony.  A cheque for West Lancs Mark Charities was then presented to the PGM.
With the large number attending the installation meeting the Festive Board was held in Hope Street’s main dining room. 
In reply to the toast to his health Right Worshipful Brother Keith Beardmore, thanked everyone for their good wishes during his recent illness.  The PGM also praised the current ‘Health Awareness Evenings’ organized by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master VW.Bro. Michael Clarke, P.G.J.O. The PGM said he had attended one of the meetings himself and found it very informative.  There is an evening planned for Liverpool on 23rd November. (A full list of the evenings can be found on the website.)  RW Bro Beardmore also urged those members of the Mark degree who are not yet members of Royal Arch Mariners to join.
We all wish the new Worshipful Master and his team a good year and they already have work to do because Corinthian Mark Lodge is hosting the Liverpool Mark Festival in February 2017.
Words by Derek Gaskell.